Review Detail

4.5 39
Young Adult Fiction 631
Action-filled, breathtaking, romantic sci-fi dystopian
(Updated: February 19, 2012)
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Reader reviewed by iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

In a futuristic world, everything is perfect, happy, and clean. All threats have been removed, including the biggest of all: amor deliria nervosa. Love. At the age of 18, everybody receives the cure for this disease and they are safe for the rest of their lives. Lena can't wait to be cured. She'll have a match, and a perfect and happy future all set out for her. But everything changes when she meets a boy. And falls in love.This is a breathtaking, mesmerizing book that I couldn't close. The whole thing had me intrigued from the front cover all the way until the very last page, and I still wanted more.Lena is a very likable character. At first, I was a little annoyed with her stubbornness - but the cure was all she was taught from a very young age, right? She didn't know better. Eventually, she grew and discovered the true meaning of life and love, developing a strong and fierce personality completely different from the one in the beginning. She was presented with many challenges in which she would have to overcome all the lessons she learned since the beginning and use her new strength to defeat the government and keep her love.Hana was a favorite of mine from the beginning. She was a dedicated best friend, a little on the wild side, and just like somebody I would love to hang out with. She really pulls through in the end to help Lena. Her story makes me a little sad, and I hope she will eventually find true happiness.And Alex - Alex was amazing. I loved his personality, his character, the colors he was described with: amber, honey, sunlight. I can't talk too much about him without giving away though, so moving on...The theme of this novel fascinated me from the moment I read the blurb. Love being the enemy. And it made complete sense. (Not that I'd want the cure for myself.) It's wonderful when the author presents a challenge that seems to have no answer. It seems the protagonists are doomed from the beginning. I was lost in the world Oliver created, and I had no idea where she would take us next. Twists, turns, more twisting... I held my breath until the very last sentence.If you love a science-fiction romance that won't let you stop thinking, your heart pounding, and provides a delicious jaw-dropper full of surprises, you'll love this book.
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