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2.8 2
Young Adult Fiction 345
Death Sentence review
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Another win for Mr. Smith.

There was a definite shift from the usual story with Death Sentence. Alex isn't trying to escape the prison anymore (well, not for a large portion of the story anyway) and is instead fighting a battle within himself.

I didn't quite think Smith would end up turning Alex into a Blacksuit, but it was the right move for the story. I mean, how long can Alex try to escape with minimal consequences? Plus, it really takes his internal struggles to a whole new level. There's been a war in his head from the moment he was thrown into Furnace: is he really a bad person? Then Smith goes and elevates it by basically pumping Alex full of evil.

There's certainly not a shortage of action in this one. While the previous book entertained me, I felt as if not all that much had happened. Death Sentence, however, throws down. I don't even know what to expect from the next book after finishing this one, but I'm excited to find out.

I have to admit that I was slightly underwhelmed by the nectar's explanation, but I think I'd be happier with a bit more explanation.

The Nutshell: Death Sentence is another good book in a highly addictive series. Now, I won't going saying these are amazing books everyone will love, but I really enjoy them, but if you want a good action-horror series then this would definitely be one of my first suggestions.

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