Review Detail

4.5 39
Young Adult Fiction 1291
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
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When i first heard the title I was soooo excited to read this. Then as I read the blurb, I was like.... Uhhh Cyborgs? Lunar people? Androids? Yeahhhh not happening. When everyone else was requesting it on Netgalley, I was trying to stay far away from it. But then I noticed that everyone was giving it 5 star reviews... And as you all should know I take all my blogger friends recommendations seriously.... So I went ahead and added it to my TBR pile. And I let it sit there and sit there. Until I got word that the sequel was coming out sometime next year. Yes I still had time, but because I've been on a fairy tale retelling kick lately, I decided to give it a go. So, I did...... And I really did fall in LOVE.
This book was nothing like I thought it would be. From the very beginning I was pulled into Cinder's world. And let me tell you, Meyer's world building is fan-effing-tastic. I could see the entire book played out in my head as I read, from the hovercrafts, to the palace, to the andriods. I loved everything about it. With her words she is able to take you to a place way off in the future way off in another country.
In Cinder's world, she lives with her "evil stepmother and stepsister" who treat her as the servant. Even through all this, she still was able to remain herself. Her wit and sarcasm was what I loved about her. As the story goes on, Cinder is the Commonwealth's top mechanic. She has the pleasure of meeting Prince Kai one day when he asks her to take a look at his android. And then the story takes off from there.
The only thing that I disliked about the story was the fact that I was expecting more Cinderella elements... I can't say what was there or what was missing for fear of giving away spoilers, but just know they were there, but not what I was expecting. I guess I was looking more for that precious fairy tale (because Cinderella was one of my favorites. Second only to Beauty and the Beast...) and not thinking it would more than likely ruin her retelling. But overall, I did enjoy the parts that were there.
Lastly, what the crap was up with that ending?! I mean JESUS Meyer are you really trying to make your readers suffer over this cliffhanger?! Now that the sequel is coming out I know a little of what may happen from reading its blurb, but I NEEEEEEEEEED the next book. And the fact that there are ARCs out right now circulating the US.... Ughhhh I need someone to be my very best friend ever in life and let me borrow it. I promise I will read it and return it in mint condition :)
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