Review Detail

4.1 6
Young Adult Fiction 859
Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally
Overall rating
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With Jordan being the captain of HER football team, she has to continue proving to herself, her team, and her family that she isn't some wimpy little girl that cracks under pressure. And she does a really good job of that... Until the new guy comes to town.
Jordan is a great character. She's strong, independent, focused, and determined. But somewhere along the way she forgot to be a girl. It was fun to see her remind herself though. Trying to decide on what underwear to wear and wearing her first fitted shirt in ages and awkwardly hanging out with the cheerleaders was hilarious. But then Ty comes into the picture. His past still torments him which ends up making him extremely clingy. Which made him try to contain Jordan. And no one (especially Jordan) likes that he's so controlling.
But out of nowhere comes the love triangle. I don't know how I didn't pick up on it. But after it was said, I began to look at all the signs and I was like "Ooooooh I see it now!" There were signs the entire beginning of the story, but I felt like Jordan did when it came to that situation... Completely lost. But in the end, I feel like she made the right decision. Her and the person she picked are definitely the perfect match :)
The number one thing I loved about the story was the fact that it involved sports and romance. There aren't many books out there that contain both with the girl actually involved in the sport. And for the sport to be FOOTBALL of all things?! It was a different kind of premise and I loved it. I also loved the fact that it seemed to give some empowerment to women. I wanted to play football for my local Little League team when I was in the second grade, and I couldn't for the life of me understand why my mom wouldn't let me but signed me up for girls basketball instead. By diving into this story, I was able to become Jordan and live out one of my fantasies. One of the main reasons I love reading so much.
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