Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 182
Hilarious Adventure
Overall rating
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There's so much to love about this book. The characters are vivid, authentic, and distinct. The relationships are nuanced. The setting feels absolutely real. The humor is spot-on. And the adventure keeps the reader turning the pages as fast as possible.

The real magic of CAT GIRL'S DAY OFF is the narrative voice. Natalie Ng is quirky, slightly snarky, and usually feels in over her head. She is both brave and insecure, and consistently undervalues herself (for reasons that make sense) even while she reluctantly assumes the mantle of heroine. I laughed countless times during the book, thanks to Nat's voice. And I ached for her to find her happily ever after with her love interest. I worried that she'd get into so much trouble she wouldn't find her way out. And I loved every second of Nat's discovery that the Talent she thought was nothing special (which lead her to believe SHE was nothing special) was the only way to save the day.

There are lovely little moments along the way between Nat and her family and friends. There are cringe-worthy moments as well, especially at school, as the attention-shy Nat lands herself in hot water in the most memorable way possible. I absolutely couldn't put the book down. This is a wild, funny, heart-warming adventure that will have readers begging for a sequel.
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May 20, 2012
I've read so many positive reviews of this, I'm going to have to check it out!
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