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Great Read, Highly Recommend
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I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book. It was such a beautifully crafted tale filled with magic, intrigue, romance, and suspense. It really had it all. I enjoyed this book so much, in fact, that I neglected all of my school work and other responsibilities to binge read it in one day. Not a smart move I know, but I couldn't help myself. The author had me from the very first chapter, which is not a common occurrence for myself particularly with fantasy novels. Somehow the author managed to make a just over four hundred page book feel short, and not in a bad way. The book was just so well paced that it never felt boring or lagging. I honestly can't think of one complaint when it comes to this book.

Stephanie Garber's world building was honestly amazing in this book. The book is so descriptive that it is easy for the reader to get sucked in and really envision everything that happens in the novel. The world of Caraval has this sinister and magical feel that really sucked me in; I truly haven't read anything like it before. The only thing I could say is that I would have liked a little more explanation of the Isles and the world outside of Caraval. Even something as small as a map would have been helpful. That being said, I can understand why the author didn't add this as the book is already four hundred pages adding more of the Isles may get to be too much.

The world is nothing without the characters, and Garber honestly creates some of the best I have read in quite a while. I really enjoyed the main character, Scarlett. She was a sensible character who tries to think rationally and make the best decision she can, but sometimes her heart gets in the way. I think it is her rationality and her devotion to her sister that really drew me to her as a character, her sister, on the other hand, I couldn't stand for most of the book. She was too reckless and too much of a menace for my taste. However, she does have some redeeming qualities to her. I think the most interesting part of these characters is the dichotomy between the two sisters. They were about as different as two characters can get, and yet they both had a deep level of loyalty and devotion to one another that I really enjoyed.

This story, while it had great characters, was definitely a plot-driven story, and boy was the plot amazing. This book is the definition of a page-turner. Every time you think something is going to happen the story takes one-eighty and goes in a completely opposite direction. I am usually pretty good at guessing the plot of a book, so I love it when a book can trick me and leave me stumped. This book did just that.and had a killer cliff-hanger to boot.

This book left me desperate for more, I absolutely cannot wait until the sequel, Legendary, comes out. I will be impatiently waiting for the publication of the next book. I simply cannot wait to continue reading about the magnificent world that Garber has created.
Good Points
Great Plot, Lots of Twists, Sisterly Love
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Highly Recommend!
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I had heard a lot of hype surrounding this book and was not disappointed. Can't wait for the next book, Legendary.
Good Points
This book had me from the beginning. From the mystique surrounding what Caraval was, to its hidden magic, to the mysterious identity of its host, Legend, this book was hard to put down. Maybe I was just in an escapist mood, but this was the perfect read for me at the moment. I highly recommend it.
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Everything was good but the ending...
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**spoiler alert** This. Was. AMAZING! I love psychological thrillers and gothic tales. However, the ending left me ... uncomfortable.

The more I think about Tella the more pissed off I become. I feel like the story's message about abuse was invalidated by the way Tella got away with gaslighting Scarlett. I get that Scarlett loves her sister and feels protective of her. And I accept that people will do anything for freedom. But what I can't accept is the way Scarlett so easily forgave Tella. HER SISTER KNOWINGLY MADE HER FEEL INSANE AND THEN TERRIFIED HER BY DYING! And Scarlett was willing to die to protect Tella. Then Tella set up everything to burn a wish. She used Scarlett to prove that she was loved enough. That should garner my sympathy. But Tella has no remorse for her actions and Scarlett enables this behavior.

I hope that book two clarifies this. I'm interested in Tella's story. But I hope her act of gaslighting isn't swept under the carpet and forgotten.

This ending aside, the book itself was a fun romp and I LOVED how Scarlett stood up to her father at the end. Looking forward to book two!!!
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A beautiful world and thrilling adventure!
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CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber is a YA/Fantasy standalone novel that has me hoping for a sequel ?

Sometimes, I judge a book by its cover. That was definitely true when I picked up Caraval. I honestly had no idea what the story was about, but the exquisite cover convinced me to read it, and I’m glad I did, as this book now holds place of pride among my most treasured novels.

Scarlett has always dreamed of seeing Caraval, a magical “game” which takes place on an island and which requires a ticket of admission. She has heard the stories from her grandmother how exciting the game of Caraval is and naturally, wants to attend. For years she’s written letters to Caraval’s creator, Master Legend, hoping he’ll send her two tickets to the game: one for her and one for her sister. The letters always go unanswered. As the years go by, she agrees to an arranged marriage escape from her abusive father. She writes a final letter to Legend explaining that due to her upcoming nuptials, she will no longer write him. Legends finally responds with 3 tickets to the magical island where Caraval takes place and an invitation to play the game. What happens next is an amazing adventure for Scarlett and her sister!

It’s difficult to identify something I did NOT like about this book. Fantasy writers have a great challenge creating a new world in believable and clear language and weaving that world into a story that maintains its momentum. Stephanie Garber excelled at painting a beautiful picture, without creating dull passages explaining every detail. The concept and creation of Caraval was clear and concise and never left me feeling overwhelmed with description. The plot moved. The characters, lovable and humorous, are easy to root for. I enjoyed the dialogue even while trying to determine who were the good characters and who were the bad. I am a sucker for a great ending, and this book provided that in spades. With all the plot elements tied up, I wasn’t left with questions that require a second book to answer. However, Garber leaves enough intrigue for a sequel, and readers will surely be desperate for more from the world of Caraval. I can’t wait to pick up Garber’s next installment!

For ages 12 and up. This novel had some violence but no sex or explicit language. This book will definitely appeal to YA fantasy lovers and especially fans of REBEL IN THE SANDS In and THE LUNAR CHRONICLES.

CARAVAL earns 4.5 North of Normal stars.
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I find Scarlett a little annoying in the beginning, she is really paranoid and scared but she is justified with having those feelings. A hard life because of her cruel father and feeling responsible for any harm that befalls on her sister, makes for a complicated family life. Scarlett develops and grows through the course of the story which is redeeming to her character. The book gets so much better once you reach the halfway point, the mystery of Legend, and the future of the sisters is so intriguing. The epic adventure takes so many twists and turns that a makes for a fantastic ending.
Good Points
good character development
enchanting world
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Mind Blowing
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Stunning! Magical! Twisted!

These are all words I can use to describe this amazing book. Caraval is unlike any book I've read before and it blew me away! I do not give out five stars easily, a book has to earn them from me and this one did! It sucked me in within the first three chapters and then I could not put the book down! The characters, the plot, the world are so very well developed.

I will say that while I love reading about this book that it is not a world I'd ever want to visit. It's dark and you can't even trust what you see with your own eyes. I would be the worst player that this game in the history of players. I admire Scarlett for what all she goes through and all for the love her and her sister share. There are so many plot twists and even parts where I was sure I had it all figured out and then BAM, something changed again. It will keep you guessing until the last page.

This book is so mind blowing and epic. You NEED to read this book! I recommend it to everyone!
Good Points
1) Amazing Plot

2) A Fun Read
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