Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 55
Many Ways to Burn
Overall rating
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Burning is about story of Ben, a boy from Gypsum, Nevada and Lala, a gypsy girl. Defining traits for both of them, they come together at a time when they reflect what what exactly it means and what choosing your own path can mean.

As a coming-of-age story, I adored it. Both Ben and Lala are at turning points in their lives. Ben didn't want to be stuck in the small town of Gypsum, but now that the town is shutting down he must come to terms with moving on being more than just him leaving--everyone is going and his hometown is no more. Still, the fact that he has a chance at a different future than the life everyone around him has leaves him with mixed emotions. As with Lala, she too is examining what it means to follow the path her culture and family have chosen for her--and whether it is what she wants.

The backgrounds of both Ben and Lala are done in such a way that you can see all sides. You understand why Ben has always wanted to go, yet why Gypsum shutting down has such an effect on him. Lala's gypsy background isn't as black and white as it could have been, but explored and you sense the conflict and affection Lala has for her upbringing and what it means for her future.

All of this set against Burning Man. While not the focus, what it means culturally and to each character is explored. The self-discovery and escape of the festival works as a parallel o the transitions of both Ben and Lala, as well as what it means to connect with others. Elana K. Arnold does a great job with the layers to the story, weaving each concept together as well as referencing other coming-of-age literature, fairy tales and poetry, bringing it all together beautifully. On top of that, there is a sensuality to the writing (especially in Lala's parts) and lyrical quality that made the emotion and passion so present, really drawing me in. I highly recommend this book!
Good Points
- Beautiful writing style. Very sensual and lyrical.

- The layers and references.
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