Review Detail

3.9 4
Young Adult Fiction 366
Anarchy In a New Light
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Reader reviewed by Nikki

Breaking Point was absolutly amazing for many reasons. First of all the whole like next generation of anarchy was what really caught my attention but when I got into it I discovered it was trying to talk about something else. It talks about like how you cant always trust everyone, who youre real friends are, and like it really shows you the side of school that most people try to ignore. I mean, I was drawn in the entire time just trying to keep up with it. I was so captivated. And the end really pulls at you. A very good book I definatly suggest it. There was one quotes still cant get out of my head and I am constantly repeteting to myself: " IM A BAT< WANNA SEE ME FLY?". If you read the book you'll know exactly what Im talking about.
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