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3.8 117
Young Adult Fiction 1477
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Reader reviewed by Dede

Wow, this book was incredible and incredibly long but worth it. My only thought is that she left the ending open to the possibility of future books in the series. I know for some the ending was anti-climatic, but I was happy. I know if there would have been a war, alot of the characters I cared for wouldn't have survived. Anyway, Bella and Edward finally get married and go to honeymoon at Isle Esme. They finally get intimate and Bella soon learns she's pregnant. She bonds with Rosalie to keep the baby safe - Edward worries that the baby will kill Bella, and others do also. She goes through pregnancy at an advanced rate and almost dies giving birth. In a way she does die, as she is finally changed to a vampire. Bella does better than most "newborns" and her baby girl Renesmee, ages rapidly and is smart and mature. They have to deal with the Voltori again, who learn of the baby and use it as an excuse for a personal visit, hoping for a war. There is no fight and the Voltori leaves peacefully, for now. Very possible that in the future, there will be more to the series!
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