Review Detail

3.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 232
Behind Green Glass
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by Allison

Today's young adult novels bristle with strong women and paranormal creatures. In contrast, Behind Green Grass by Amanda von Hoffman features a reclusive mother and daughter pair. Moreover, while mystical creatures do visit Isolde, interactions with humans also figure predominantly in this coming-of-age story. For example, there are Isolde's divorced parents, neighbor Joe Albright, cute town boy Matt, and bubbly school friend Maria.

In contrast to today's confident and defiant female leads, sixteen-year-old Isolde may serve as the perfect role model for shy teenagers who surely still exist. I related to her conflicted emotions: She loves her mom and understands her desire for solitude, but also fights against their sheltered life. She looks forward to a visit from her extroverted friend Maria, but also fears her friend will outshine her. She wishes for the cute boy Matt to notice her, but blushes and wishes to hide when he does. In all of her contradictions, Isolde comes across as endearingly real and sweet.

One evening, to shake off an eerie sensation of being watched, Isolde rummages through her dresser and finds a false drawer bottom with a hidden emerald colored glass. Through this glass, Isolde sees the mystical Lyric who believes he is a ghost. You will need to read Behind Green Glass for yourself to discover his real identity, along with other truths, and what kind of dangers these revelations hold for Isolde. One of Hoffman's quiet strengths is how she builds suspense and unfolds mysteries. I prefer not to ruin that experience for you.

Description is another of Hoffman's strengths. Her pages are abundantly decorated with tight phrases that evoke visceral sensations: "his bare feet made little noise as he ran across the field"; "as if she were a little girl again drinking warm milk sweetened with honey"; "leaves were beginning to fall and dry like tiny discarded pages". Unfortunately, unneeded lengthy exposition sometimes threatened to ruin otherwise charming scenes. Character speeches also suffered from the same ailment, which is why I have not referred to them as dialog.

Behind Green Grass is a gentle book that wiggled its way into my heart. The main characters are people whom I would talk to and hang out with if they existed. Thornville is a pretty place. I also couldn't wait to find out more about the farm's secrets and the mystical creatures. With its theme of acceptance, Behind Green Grass proves a complex fantasy. Newcomer Amanda Von Hoffman should have a bright writing future.

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