Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 127
A Delicious and Thrilling Read
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A story where, “Adventures are dangerous… and villains are real.”

Beetle Boy is the first book in a trilogy and a really fun read. M.G. Leonard does a fantastic job weaving a page turning mystery with cool facts about science and bugs. Her story line is so well crafted that the story in enhanced by the facts not distracted. In fact, after reading Beetle Boy, I found myself doing some Internet research on beetles!

The cast of characters are lovable yet relatable. Darkus is realistic in his curiosity and determination. His new friendships feel genuine and it is fun watching the trio try find clues to find Darkus’s father. After the very first page, this book was difficult to put down.

Here is a story where our heroes are brave and have creative plans; the villains are so grotesque you just love to hate them. It is fast paced and full of adventure. The story explores the ideas of friendship, family, and the importance of staying true to yourself. There are moments when you will laugh out loud and times when your heart will break for the characters.

While this book is aimed at grades 3-7, older readers will find this an entertaining read and will enjoy the interesting science tidbits. If you love Roald Dahl, Lemony Snickett, or even 101 Dalmatians you are truly going to enjoy this book. I cannot wait for the second book.
Good Points
Fun and exciting story
Page turner
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