Review Detail

4.7 43
Young Adult Fiction 1157
Chick Flick, Fantasy, and History all Rolled into a Great Book!
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Reader reviewed by Elise

This book is absolutely wonderful.

Well, when I was looking for a book, the two genres I had in mind where chick flick and fantasy. What do you know, when I found Avalon High, by Meg Cabot, I got exactly what I wanted.

What really attracted me to the book was a sentence that goes something like this: "My dad has never been a nature person. He can hardly stand my cat, Tig. Which of course means Tig is crazy about him."

And for anyone who has ever had a cat, you know how much like a cat that is.

The first 180 pages in the book are very lovey-dovey. Elaine Harrison is in love with a boy named A. William Wagner, but he already has a girlfriend. Kind of a Romeo and Juliet story, I guess you could say. Elaine falls love with the wrong guy.

But then, after that, a strange fantasy takes place. Mr. Morton, a teacher, is in the Order of the Bear, which is a group of people who belive that one day KIng Arthur will be reincarnated. Elaine finds her self winding into a weird and unusual situation. What role will she play in this?

Read the book to find out!!!

Right now I am reading the first book in the Princess Diaries, series, also by Meg Cabot. I hope it will be just as great!
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