Review Detail

5.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 117
Peanuts! Aha!
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What happens to Anna is completely terrifying. When she astrally projects herself to watch over her friend and sees a school mate fall and die, she zooms back to her home only to realize that her body isn't there. The school mate, Taylor, has taken over her body and is out to get revenge on Anna's friend for not liking her. With all the clues saying that Seth killed Taylor and Taylor in Anna's body claiming she saw him do it, Anna and her best friend Rei must find a way to get Anna back in her body and clear their friends name.
This was an awesome read! The characters, Rei especially, were quirky and easy to relate too. They have their own complex lives without the story seeming too full of information.
Good Points
Rei was a very well rounded character.
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