Angus, Thongs & Full Frontal Snogging (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #1)

4.3 (54)
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A unique, fun, and witty diary.
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Reader reviewed by Liz C.

Georgia Nicolson is a pretty normal 14-year-old British
girl. She hates her parents, her little sister is insane, her cat wants to eat
the poodle next-door, shes questioning her sexuality, and of course she thinks
she will never get a boyfriend (or girlfriend for that matter). Through her
journal entries we get all the juicy insight into her life. Georgia
suspects her mother of having an affair while her father is away in New
. She also thinks her best friend has
betrayed her by going for a coffee with Robbie, the boy Georgia
is in love with. She also shaves off her eyebrows and accidentally tears a
large clump of hair off her head. Finally, she loses her beloved cat/beast,
Angus, which leads her to Robbie, who it turns out is in love with her too. But
as soon as they finally do some full-frontal snogging Georgia
finds out shes leaving for holiday in New
next week. Will her new relationship
withstand a summer apart? Youll have to read the next book in the series to
find out.



Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging is written in diary
form. You will either love this format or hate it. I found that for this series
it works a lot better than a regular novel; if a part is getting boring (which
is a problem I had with this book) you can simply move to the next entry. It
definitely wasnt as hilarious as its supposed to be, and as I said it got a
bit boring in some parts. I suffered from much second-hand embarrassment, even
if the characters were fictional. The situations Georgia
gets herself into are not at all un-realistic, which made them more
cringe-worthy. This is a British book so some of the language Georgia
uses may be unfamiliar to American teens. The version I read had a handy glossary
with clever definitions for all the British slang. Overall Angus, Thongs and
Full-Frontal Snogging is a prime example of a great YA novel. It is unique,
fun, and highly enjoyable.

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Good :)
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Reader reviewed by Laina

Summary (from the back of the book): Angus: My mixed-breed cat, half domestic tabby, half Scottish wildcat. The size of a small Labrador, only mad.

Thongs: Stupid underwear. What's the point of them, anyway? They just go up your bum, as far as I can tell.

Full-frontal Snogging: Kissing with all the trimmings, lip to lip, open mouth, tongues... everything.

Her dad's got the mentality of a Teletubby (only not so developed). Her cat, Angus, is trying to eat the poodle next door. And her best friend thinks she looks like an alien - just because she accidentally shaved off her eyebrows. Ergghhhlack. Still, add a little boy-stalking, teacher-baiting, and full-frontal snogging with a Sex God, and Georgia's year might just turn out to be the most fabbitty fab fab ever!

Review: This was possibly one of the funniest books I've ever read. Georgia is a hilarious narrator. At times some of the things she came up with just cracked me up. Like she starts calling her mother "Mutter" (Mutti for short) and her father "Vater" (Vati for short), as she's taking German at her school, and actually continues that throughout the book.

One part that absolutely cracked me up was after she accidentally shaved off her eyebrows and she's hiding from the world in her room. (Just so you all know, Libby is her little sister, two or three years old.)

The only nice person is Libby. She was stroking where my eyebrows used to be and then she went and brought me a lump of cheese. Great. I have become ratwoman.

Absolutely hilarious and the entire book is like that. At times I actually had to stop myself from laughing out loud because I was reading it at night.

My only issue is perhaps some of the subject material is a little old for a girl who's only fourteen, but that could easily be that I'm simply in denial about the fact that fourteen year old girls are dealing with things like that. Otherwise, though, I loved this book and would recommend it without a second thought and I'm looking forward to reading the others in this series.

Conclusion: A good, fun book definitely worth checking out.

Happy reading.

*Reprinted with permission of author from
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Reader reviewed by Lianne

This book is hilarious and wonderful! It is definitely a book for someone who needs a good laugh!

Georgia Nicholson is fourteen years old and lives with her family in England. The book is made up of her diary over the course of her school year. I was laughing right in the start of the book when Georgia describes a costume party she went dressed as a stuffed olive! And that is just the beginning of all the hilarious situations that Georgia gets herself into such as shaving off her eyebrows and taking kissing lessons from a boy!

This book is pure fun! I defiantly can't wait to read the rest of the series!
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An abundance of laugh out loud moments
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Reader reviewed by Adriana M.

This reminded me of "Gert Garibaldi's Rants and Raves" (Kizer) and another one I read, "My mother is a french fry and further proof of my fuzzed up life" (Sydor), but I think this is the original.

Georgia is a british teen whose parents don't get her and whose friends are trying to cope with crushes, their teachers, and having to wear berets at school. Even with all the british lingo, I really enjoyed it. I found myself laughing out loud more than once. There is plenty of wit and humor, mixed in with the teenage angst and those feelings of wanting to fit in and get the guy. I had heard they made the book into a film, so I'll be trying to watch that soon. For now I will be starting the second in the series. It's a well-written, funny, and light-hearted read.
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great first book
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Reader reviewed by Hillary

Georgia Nicholson has a very complicated life. Her cat, Angus, is the size of a small Labrador, she has a three year old sister, and her best friend is not all that supoortive and thinks that she is weird. Like that is not enough to make a girl's year interesting, she has recently met the most gorgeous boy in the entire world who she has named the "Sex God." Now, all she has to do is find a way to get him to break up with his current girlfriend, get him to like her enough to ask her out, and discover how to wear the hat required in her school uniform without it being seen.

Ummm, who forgot to tell me that these books are awesome? I've gone all these years and no one has told me? I'm surprised. The British lingo might be confusing for a few chapters but it's really easy to understand once you get used to it. Georgia was an amazing character. She's funny, sarcastic, and has just the right amount of pathetic to really make the books entertaining but not annoying. It has a cliffhanger ending so make sure you have the second one on hand because you'll want to hear more about Georgia's crazy life.
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Hilarious must read!
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Reader reviewed by Amanda Marasco

Georgia finds herself in many errr situations in this hilarious book. The Story is mostly about how Georgia feels about her family, friends, school and of course boys, including the sex god.

I love how this book is told in diary form. We are able to really get inside of Georgia's head. It was sooooo funny! Even if you don't like to read, you'll love to read this book. The only thing that bugged me is the book barely has a plot.

You should buy this book! Ohhh and you can buy the rest of the series! GO GO GO!!!!
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very funny
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Reader reviewed by edith

this was a very funny book! i like how when i read this book, i can imagine everything happening. i can't believe georgia is my age! i'm really glad that the put that glossary in the back.i can really relate to this book because when i read it, liked 2 guys, like her but in her case, it was funnier!!
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Reader reviewed by ambeen

The first book in the Georgia Nicolson series; Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging; is absolutely hilarious. It is the perfect beginning to a wonderful series. The book centers on Georgia and her Ace Gang of friends. It features all Georgia's perils in love and at school against Headmaster Slim! The series continues with much more fun and adventure with a whole lot of romance thrown in for going on nine novels! The series is a must-read.
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When your dad has the mental capacity of a teletubby (only not so developed)...
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Reader reviewed by MRose52

"Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging" is a hysterical novel about Georgia, a teenager growing up in England. This is a great book if what you want is lots of laughs, because this book is all about boy-problems, makeup, hamburger-a-gogo land, and ways to roll a baret into a sausage shape (so that no one can see it). I really liked this book because it made me laugh nonstop. But Beware! You may want to refrain from reading this in public (or more importalty, in front of people you want to respect you).
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Reader reviewed by Kaitlin

This book is so freaking funny. You really can't read this book in any place like a library, or anywhere quiet, because you laugh so much and its kind of embarrasing. Georgia and Jas are so funny when their talking to each other. Plus theres all the romance that the Sex God throws into the mix. I just love it!
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