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4.0 11
Young Adult Fiction 615
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The Divergent series is one of my favorite series ever written. I am a huge fan of Four and I loved being able to read from his POV. I do love a book with a dual POV it gives you a look at things from the other persons perspective. I think that this was a good ending to the series. However it absolutely killed me to have it end the way it did. Everything gets wrapped up it doesn't leave you with any questions or confused it just leaves you in a big crying mess wondering what in the heck just happened. Once I realized the path this book was taking I was devastated. It is hard to put my feelings on this series ender into words. I hate to leave the characters. I could read about Tris and Four and their world forever. They are two characters that I fell in love with from the very beginning. At the end of the day I think that this was a good ending to the series as much as devastated as I am by it.
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