Review Detail

3.5 13
Young Adult Fiction 342
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Reader reviewed by EshInoBi

This was a great book, overall. Alex Rider gets caught moving a huge crane, and the police catch him. MI6 wants him to do something else, or face the police.
So, almost forced, Alex Rider has to go and do another one of his missions. I can understand why he wouldn't want to do them, but I myself would be very excited.
On this mission, Alex will go to a rich-boys school. First, he stays at the family's house (mansion?) that he is to pretend to be in the family. He has a sister, Fiona, in this identity. Fiona, of course, really doesn't like him. I can't see why. XP. After narrowly saving Fiona, Alex rejects her when she asks him to do something.
Then, he is picked up and then he's at the school. He meets one friend, who seems to be the only one to differ from the other boys. But why? When I read the answer, I was thrilled, as well as creeped out.
This isn't really a must-read, but it's still wonderful, but be prepared for some twists, and to be totally creeped out!
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