Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 224
Different from what I thought it would be about, but still an interesting read
Overall rating
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What I Loved: I loved when the main character, Claire, recounts each of the kisses she’s had in her life. Some where young and innocent, others were heated and memorable, and everything in between. It was definitely fun to experience all the aspects of “young love” and it’s pretty much what you think about when you think of kids, tweens, and teens interacting with the opposite sex. Allen captured all of the stages well, although I have to admit, things were a bit more wild, dramatic, and often times, annoying than I remember it being when I was growing up. What I really appreciated was what Claire was going through with her family. It was very sad and felt so real to me. Those parts were definitely my favorite.

Left Me Wanting More: I seriously didn’t like how nonchalant Claire was with some of the guys she interacted with and I especially didn’t care for Luke at all. I also didn’t really like Megan and Claire’s friendship. It really annoyed me how flippant Claire was with some of the things Megan did to her, but I will admit, I understood that their friendship was a complicated one and despite their cattiness and immaturity, when it really got down to it, they were there for each other, so I’ll give them that.

Final Verdict: There were ups and downs with this book. I got annoyed a lot of times throughout the book, but I did enjoy reading it to a certain extent. If anything, it’s quick and light. Definitely don’t take this book too seriously.
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