Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1119
A mineral infused with magic may destroy all.
(Updated: April 22, 2022)
Overall rating
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What I liked:
A horrifying tale that is rich, detailed, and heartbreaking all at the same time that kept me enthralled. Zombie novels are not new, but I tend to like the ones with a unique take on them, for example, warm bodies. What we harvest zombie-like issues stem from plants that have been enriched by minerals infused with blight. The founding members of this town were desperate, and when they discovered what this blight could do for their plants and the financial freedom that came with using it, they overlooked what could come from it. The horror descriptions flowed with the story rather than providing for shock factor alone.
Final Verdict:
What We Harvest was enjoyable to listen to as an audiobook. I could process and fall into the story naturally without feeling like I was being drugged through a horror novel. I was right there with Wren as she battles with guilt that she caused her family this devasting blow from the blight and has doomed herself and her town. The description of how they dealt with interacting with the blight echoes how we dealt with Covid-19. A fascinating tale.
Audiobook Review:
A narrator that helps lend a horror-like tone to the tale about a town plagued by blight. I was engrossed with each chapter, and I am not a huge horror reader, but this one was unique with the rock, the desperate families, and a character with fierce determination to save herself and her town.
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