Review Detail

4.9 3
Young Adult Fiction 318
This Song Will Save Your Life
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Music and not fitting in, two things I can totally relate to. I don’t always enjoy Contemporary YA, but this book was really good.
I had a feeling this was going to be a sad, sad book, with themes like bullying, suicide and the likes.
I wasn’t hooked by the first chapter at all. I resented Elise for thinking that she had to give up her entire personality for the sake of popularity, only to move towards suicide if she didn’t get accepted socially. Weird message. But after a couple of more chapters, Elise grew onto me and I began to see her growth. The pace and development of her character is stellar.
Leila Sales has crafted such amazing characters, they are all crazy in their own way but so very real. Vicky was my absolute favorite, and Elise’s family is absolutely lovely. There is a lot of pain and courage in this story, but it is one that keeps you reading on because you want to know what happens to Elise.
Even if you can’t relate to Elise’s story, like me, that is no reason to not read this book. There are messages in this book that will do you a world of good, whether you relate or not, because being accepted means a lot to nearly everyone. There is an emphasis on self-discovery in this book, and the value of finding true friends and people who will accept you no matter what and let you be the way you are, let you do the things that make you happy.
The Final Words:
I am glad to have gotten the chance to read this book. It’s a remarkable story and will make an impact on your life, if you give it a try.
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