Review Detail

4.5 4
Young Adult Fiction 325
Prepare To Get Your Nerd On
Overall rating
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What I liked: Fast-paced, entertaining, completely uh-dorable read! Maddie is a thoroughly enjoyable and relateable character whose journey is not an uncommon one. It can be hard to figure out who we are sometimes and the path is often fraught with hits, misses and mistakes.

Maddie makes her fair share of less-than-stellar choices but faces up to the consequences with grace and maturity. Terra and Dan are great examples of friendship and Logan is full of nerdilicious swoon! *fans face*

What left me wanting: I wanted more Logan! ;)

Final verdict: Prepare to get your Nerd on!
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May 03, 2013
Im a nerd Love the title
May 18, 2013
Nerdy guys are the best! I'm glad this one didn't turn out to be a disappoint. I'll have to make a point to read it this summer :]
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