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4.7 43
Young Adult Fiction 695
"I knew the human exaggeration for sorrow--a broken heart."
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Reader reviewed by Kayla (Midnight Twilight)

In a world where alien "souls" are taking over host human bodies there are a select few rebels. Melenie Stryder, her brother Jamie, and her love Jared are part of that few. That is, until Melanie is captured by a "Seeker". But even after the soul is infused Melanie refuses to fade away. This causes Melanie and Wanderer to have to share a body. But who will be stronger, and who will win?

Wow! Stephenie Meyer has done it again! Her newest book dazzles me just as much as Edward Cullen did (well almost.) The Host is an incredible take on aliens, instead of little green guys trying to take over the world, these aliens look like silver ribbons and are "peace loving body snatchers". This has to be the first love triangle involving only two bodies.

Most of the time i don't pick up books that are really long, because i don't have a very good attention span. But i had to make an exception for Stephenie Meyer, and i stayed up all night and finished this 619 page book in a little over a day. This book has now made my top 5 favorite books.
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