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4.7 43
Young Adult Fiction 695
best adult novel of the year
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Reader reviewed by Hillary

Melanie Stryder refuses to leave. In a world where people have been inhabited by an unseen enemy, the human population serves as hosts for the aliens. Most of admitted defeat.

But Melanie was one of the human survivors. That is, until they found her. When the "souls" take Melanie's body to their city to be healed after she tried to escape via suicide, the soul named Wanderer is placed into her body. She is amazed by the many different emotions that she encounters in her new human body. Though, one thing that she wasn't warned about was that Melanie Stryder is refusing to give up control of her own mind.

Wanderer is sure she can control Melanie. But, when she tries to use Melanie's memories against her, Melanie does the same in return, showing Wanderer visions of the man Melanie loves, Jared. And when Wanderer starts to fall in love as well, she becomes allies with Melanie.

When I first heard about this book I was really excited for it and knew I wanted to run out and buy it. But then I started to have second thoughts about it. You know, what if It interferes with my opinion of Twilight. But I'm glad I took the risk. It was an excellent book. Despite the fact that it is an adult book, it is very suitable for YA readers. There was very little swearing or obscene actions throughout the book, if any. I have read some YA books with more vulgarity.

The character in the book were all very realistic. They were all very interesting and engaging. The plot was very original and even if you don't normally like SciFi, I still suggest you check it out because, like the Twilight series, you will be so interested in the characters and events that the fact that it's a SciFi won't even cross your mind.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the Twilight series, SciFi, romance books, or anything really good. I think that about 97% of people who read it will love it. (As for the other 3%, 1. you can't please everyone and 2. there are some people who can't seem to see past the fact that it's a SciFi and therefore are too narrow minded to even try to read it. )
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