Review Detail

3.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 405
This book was amazing!
(Updated: May 29, 2016)
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Before anything else, can we please just take a moment to appreciate this gorgeous cover? Believe it or not, the story inside the book was even better. Rick Riordan is one of my favorite authors and this book was the perfect example to why.

Like all the other characters in Rick Riordan's books, Apollo was hilarious. I laughed so many times reading this book, my family probably thought I was insane :).
Even though he is a self centered, narcistic and arrogant asshole, especially in the beginning, I couldn't help but like him, especially when he started to realize that maybe he to isn't completely perfect.

A lot of characters from his previous series come up in this book to, which made me unbelievably happy every time. But apart from Apollo, there are also lots of other new characters and also a whole new set of problems.

I love the writing style of Rick Riordan's Books. The Trials of Apollo is easy and quick to read, entertaining, funny and still serious in some parts.

The only thing I don't like about this book is that it's over already. I really tried to take my time with it, since the next book comes out next year but I couldn't really do it. So now I'm damned to wait a whole year till the second book comes out. (Don't get me wrong: The book itself shouldn't be dragged out, that would ruin it, I just wish the second book was out already)

If you haven't guessed it yet I recommend this book to everyone. But first you should read the previous book series if you haven't yet, since this book does contain a lot of spoilers for Percy Jackson and The Heroes of Olympus and also they are just awesome as well.

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Good Points
I love the humor in this book
Apollo is an amazing character
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