Review Detail

4.0 5
Young Adult Fiction 242
A perfect stand-alone for a quick read!
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**I received an ARC of this book from Scholastic in exchange for an honest review.**

I'm not a big fan of horror stories,or even movies,for the record.So THANK GOD this wasn't that scary since I'm a total wuss and on top of that I started reading this at midnight.But I still kept the lights on while going to sleep,just in case.

Reading The Dead And Buried was quite an experience for me as I haven't read a thriller like this in quite a while.It was so different from the other stories I've read this year,but in a good way of course.I liked how the author portrayed Donovan as a bit of the gamer type instead of a jock.She made me like him on the spot! And did I mention how sweet he was?I know it's supposed to be a thriller but I couldn't help swooning about the guy!But it's a perfect combination of everything,I tell you.And the fact that it is a stand-alone doesn't hurt either.You do not have to wait an entire year miserably with a cliff-hanger ending to know what happens next.In a way I find that oddly refreshing.Also,the book is definitely the re-reading type so you can carry it around with you and read it whenever you want since it's also perfect for a quick-read and wonderfully written.

I would highly recommend this to impatient readers as the story picks up quickly,people who are into mild horror.thriller or mystery,and to those who do not have enough time on their hands to sit down with a large volume to read.Even if you're not any one of the people mentioned before,I'd suggest you should give this a try as it's not everyday you can find a YA ghost story like this,with just the right amount of scariness so that you do not have to worry about staying up all night.

And a side note, I liked the old cover better,but since I liked the book so much,I decided to forgive the publisher for it. :)
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March 17, 2013
I'll have to keep this one in mind when Halloween rolls around. Thanks for the review! :D
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