Review Detail

4.8 31
Young Adult Fiction 259
This time you can believe everything you hear
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Reader reviewed by snailshot

There are two types of good books: ones that hook you at the very first sentence and those that you continue to read until one day you find that you can't put them down. I think this book was a mix of both, but two-thirds the latter (by the end of the first day I had flipped through one-fifth of the book and couldn't put it down when I was finally forced to).

Now this isn't the book for the conservative, the mainstream or the trashy. This is a book with a purpose, even if the language used by the ghetto-born narrator may seem otherwise. This story is so wonderfully laid as if it was real, in all dimensions. I think if you are game you can enjoy this great story about street-life and life in general.

I love how Souljah put herself in this book and put herself in such a negative light, showing her dual personality. I love how the story, in addition to the ending, the attitude and authentic deep characters added up into a clear message when you finally turned the last page.

It was excellent. A book that I couldn't find one flaw with. And if I enjoyed it, you can to. (Finally a contemporary book with a message).

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