Review Detail

3.8 25
Young Adult Fiction 1685
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Reader reviewed by Alex (Tales of a Teenage Book Lover)

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas was a beautifully sad novel. I loved it so much that I have set out to find more like it (I have already found a few). I a-d-o-r-e-d this book!

The characters were all so unique and well written that I was so sad when... something happened to some of them.

The plot and story were surprisingly good. Holocaust is a touchy subject and it is hard to find something that really gives it what it deserves, but this definitely did. There are some really sad parts, however and be ready for a tear-jerker ending.

I am so glad that I got to experience this novel and will definitely be looking for more like it. As of now, I am off to watch the movie based off this book!
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