Summer Boys: Next Summer

4.6 (13)
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Next Summer Review
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I cannot wait to get my hands on the third book and see whats going on in the girls' lives.
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I bought Next Summer by Hailey Abbott and I am writing an honest review.

Next Summer is the second in the Summer Boys saga by Hailey Abbott, and since it is the second book I am not going to tell you what the book is about because there were a lot of spoilers. I will tell you about the characters though.

All of the characters are obviously returning characters, the main characters are sisters Ella, and Kelsi, and then their cousin Beth. The sub characters are George (I can’t tell you his role in the story because it’s a major spoiler!) Adam, Tim, and Jeremy (whom are new characters except for George)

Lets start off will Ella when we meet Ella in the first book she is labeled as basically a slut I guess you would say nobody calls her this to her face it’s just an accepted fact. She’s always fawning over guys and she can’t go a day without having one which of course causes problems for her. The sub character associated with Ella is the life guard Jeremy whom she meets through her cousin Beth. Jeremy is definitely not her type he’s completely shy and he likes to get to know a girl before he does “things” if you know what I mean so it is fun to watch how thins between these two fan out.

Next we have Ella’s older sister Kelsi who is single and trying to not be such a bore which she is according to her sister. I like Kelsi though the way she is normally she’s her own person very smart and she knows how to handle herself in certain situations but the only thing that sucks is that she is taken advantage of very easily because she’s so nice and easy going. The character associated with her is Tim. They meet at the annual beginning of the summer bon fire but they don’t exactly hit it off which makes their story interesting to read about as well.

Lastly, there is the cousin Beth. Now It’s going to be a little tough to talk about Beth and the guys associated with her without giving away spoilers so I’m going to try my hardest to say very little about all three of them. Beth is a sweet girl but she is very naive, she doesn't seem to see the good she has right in front of her which you’ll see if you read the book. The two guys associated with her are George who we meet in book one I happen to love George he is so adorable and funny and just all around amazing so it is sad that we don’t get to see a lot of him in the book but you know I’ll get over it. The second guy is Adam whom Beth meets on the beach while surfing because she accidentally gets ahead of herself and lets the tide pull her out to far, so yes this means that Adam is also a lifeguard and came to Beth’s rescue. Adam is a new character in this book so there was some getting used to. But I have to say for reasons I didn’t really enjoy the parts of the book he was in so I can’t say much about him.

Overall the book gets a 5 out of 5 stars because the crazy drama in the book had me turning pages non stop! I don’t know what it was but I could not put the book down not even in class which was not good but ya know a girls got to get her reading in.
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more hot boys, more hot weather
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Reader reviewed by The Story Siren

The girls are back at it again. I actually like this book better than the first. All of the girls are back at the beach again this summer except for Jamie who is doing her summer art thing, but don't worry she is still a part of the story. Beth is dealing with most of the drama this year since she will be having the summer with out George. Again I suggest this quick read for a day at the beach.
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Still very sexy
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Reader reviewed by Natalie

the sequel to summer boys continues with Beth, Ella and Ella's older sister Kelsi.

After confessing her love to her best friend, Beth feels that everything is going perfect with her boyfriend/best friend, George. she is expecting to spend a perfect summer with her one true love but it turns out he has to work this summer leaveing beth alone. one day while shes surfing she ends up being saved by a hott lifeguard that looks similar to George. She spends time with Adam the lifguard, who happens to have feelings for her. Beth feeling confused about her feelings ends up making out with him..but wait what about George her boyfriend?

After hooking up with her sister's boyfriend last summer, Ella decides to stay away from boys. that is until she meets Jeremy, a shy lifeguard, and she instanly knows that he's the one that she could fall in love with for real. the guy that will help end her bad girl days. she tries her best to get his attention but does he like her the same way. is this the first guy that ella cant get her hands on?

After what happened last year with Peter and her sister Ella, Kelsi decides to also stay away from boys. but then Tim, a college boy starts flirting with her. she turns him down but ends up bumping into him everywhere. now she cant stop thinking about him.
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Reader reviewed by Val

THis is for those who don't know the sequal to the summer boys book. In this novel the charcters stay the same except Jamie's voice is replaced with Kelsi's who is Elaa's sister. This summer poses new questions for Ella, Beth and Kelsi. Ella is trying to resist guys for as long as she ca but how long is long enough? Kelsi is through with men after her breakup last year that is until she meets Tim. Beth is ready to be in for a boring summmer because George is working and won't be able to vuist her until August, but then she meets this new lifegaurd who flirts with her and Beth can't help but wonder if shes truly in love with George why does the hot lifeguard make her feel so good? FInd out when you real Next Summer!
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ttly awsome in EVERY way!!!
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Reader reviewed by Layla

This book is one of my new fav's, it's AMAZING if this book became a movie, i'd watch it EVER night, i just LOVE George, he is just what i'm looking for, actully what almost ever girl dreams about. This book is filled with drama, with all the girls, it's what any girl could and should read and feel totally conected to the girls and their situations! It's AMAZZZZZZING!!!! I really do think it should be a movie, it would be awsome, ttly!!!!!!!! If anybody is second geussing about picking up for the first time, they should be arrested, come on people anyone could ttly relate to ONE of the chara. if not all at some point in the book, (Ella is sometimes an exception!) EVERBODY, maybe even some guys should get this and read it it ROXS!!!!!!
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Can't put the book down
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Reader reviewed by Brenda

Summer Boys: Next Summer is also a great book by Hailey Abbott. It continues the lives of the teenagers in Summer Boys. This book is just as drama-filled as Summer Boys. Hailey Abbott also did a great job detailing the teenage lives of the three girls. If you enjoy teen love books, then this is the book for you. It really is a book you can't put down until you finish!
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Reader reviewed by ANNA

This was the best book I have ever read in my whole life ! I did not read the first one yet but I can not wait to ! It was so hard for me to put the book down , because I wanted to see what was going to happen next. I could relate to a lot of things that happened in the story, and I think that a lot of teenage girls can ! everyone should read it, it is so good !!! I can not wait for the next one to come out !
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Absolutely Outstanding!!, lol
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Reader reviewed by Cici

OMG, I absolutely fell in love with this book from the very beginning!, all the characters have their own way of thinking and somehow I was able to relate to all of them. They all greatly develop in this novel and change in many ways. I can't wait for the next sequel!!! the Summer Boys series rock!! If you still haven't read it and like to read romantic and realistic books, you should totally read both books, I highly recommend them...
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Reader reviewed by Leah

I read Summer Boys and i completely fell in love with the characters. In Next Summer the Tuttle cousins (except for Jamie) are back Silver Beach and can't wait to get the summer started. Beth is not so excited because her boyfriend and best friend George is working at MIT and can't join her this summer. Ella is trying to get over her habit of one night stands and find the one and only boy for her. Kelsi is determined to swear off boys after her bad experience with Peter but Tim, an obvious frat boy looks too good to resist. Does he go against the "always drunk and only cares about sex frat boy" or is he a sweet guy that makes her knees go weak and her heart flutter? Beth meets a lifeguard that is willing to teach her some surfing moves and maybe something else or will George suprise her and send her summer into chaos? Read the book and the questions will be answered This is a guaranteed fun, loving, read.
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Reader reviewed by Lea

Ahhh..This book is recommended to all young adults if you like all that romance stuff going on and it is more exciting than the first..Cant wait to read more this summer.
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