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4.3 42
Young Adult Fiction 501
A Shivering Review
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Reader reviewed by john

                     Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater was a very fresh, new, amazing new take on a werewolf story.  I fell in love with it ever since the first word.  The way the book was written, in my eyes, was very poetic.  I think Maggie was trying to go for that type of poetic feel especially for the werewold scenes because werewolves can't talk so you would have to find out a new way to express the wereolf's feelings.  I got this book for christmass '09 and I read it Christmass day and finished it Christmass day.  It was really that good.  I love how, in the book, the wereolves only have a limited amount of time of switching back and forth until the dreaded day they become a wolf. . . forever.  I'm not much of a fan of guys with long hair so I didn't really see Sam as a hottie.  Just putting that out there.  Just the way that the book was written, you could feel cold when it was a cold scene, you feel hot/warm when it's a hot/warm scene.  It is really well written.  Some books, just the way it is written takes away from the enjoyment of the book.  Not with Shiver. though. 

           There aren't any slow, boring scenes.  I loved how it flowed.  The author describes the wereolvs so well it is easy to picture them in your head.  Just a perfect, clean, clear picture.  It flowed like a movie, and it just so happens it is being made into a movie.  I can't wait for it.  I think my favorite charecter would probably have to be Olive.  If I had to make a choice to take the disease or just be a werewolf, I would so choose to be a werewolf.  Shiver had happy scenes, sad scenes, adrenaline-filled scenes, excited scenes, and all other scenes that are available.  I was sad when Beck turned for the last time, never to become human again.  I like/d Beck!  He seemed really nice.  I wouldn't want to snap a bunch of chicken necks like he made Sam do, though!  I'm vegan.  The background information about Sam was really intense, you know, with the whole bath tub and everything.  I like/d how throughout the book, Sam had flashbacks of his childhood.  It helped you understand Sam a lot more.

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