Review Detail

4.8 18
Young Adult Fiction 1415
Amazing Book!
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Reader reviewed by Sara G

I haven't been this excited about a book in a long time. It was such a page-turner, had amazing main characters, and the perfect plot. The different poisons explored are interesting, as is the the history of Ixia and how the Commander came into power.

"About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. As a food taster, she'll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace - and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of Ixia.
As Yelena tries to excape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize Ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can't control. Her life is threatened again and choices must be made. But this time the outcomes aren't so clear..."

Trust me, you want to read this book.
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