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4.2 125
Young Adult Fiction 686
Utterly Disappointing and a Waste of Time
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Reader reviewed by Cold

What an extraordinary, utterly dry and depressingly dark novel. Those would be the three words I would use to summarize this particular piece of fiction: extraordinary, dry, depressing. This book deals with concepts that are highly entertaining, not the least bit realistic and somewhat enlightening.

Edward has left Bella, cold and dry.

The insecurities either of these two characters face must be reasoned, for their love. Obviously I could probably never truly understand these characters bond, at the ripe age of twelve, until I myself have experienced something as intense and serious.

However, reading from the perspective of just the average reader, the second novel in the designated Twilight series, New Moon was a slight disappointment in terms of Meyers decision to actually carry on the series.

Twilight is a one-time venture; the ending was satisfying enough and it would be unnecessary to develop a real story.

My personal opinion deals with Twilight being disgusting competition to the famous and critically acclaimed series, Harry Potter. A story that took off so well among the female readers because it dealt with oh-so-wonderful Edward Cullen. I mean, have you seen some completely dense girls actually swoon over this fictional weirdo?

Now dont get me wrong; I have reasons for really hating Edward Cullen and New Moon. I admittedly enjoyed Twilight, much more in comparison to New Moon. I think thats because Twilight was not as intense in terms of the romance and action between the Cullens and Bella.

This book took the phrase, I cant live without you to a whole new level. Completely preposterous.

I honestly cannot explain in literal words my intense disliking for this novel, I really cant. It was just the overall atmosphere of the book, the aura that really depresses and deters me. Im not the kind of person who starts a book and then doesnt finish it so naturally, I had to endure 563 pages of dull and miserable dark literature.

Hold on; did I just say dark? Perhaps pathetically dark sounds more accurate.

Technically, Im known to analyze both sides of the argument and considering that I have already analyzed the, ahem, purely negative side it would only be fair to offer some positive criticism.

New Moon developed itself quite nicely; I think this book really established Bellas role and personality quite well. She basically has no willpower and no self-esteem to keep her alive without her beloved. Not thats negative of course&

I think that Meyers stylishly introduced a much more exciting concept that could be continued into later novels, dealing with Bella becoming a vampire so its not like Meyers couldnt justify her need to continue writing an entire series. You can indeed carry on an entertaining tale with such an idea.

Recommend? Yes, if you want an angst-drama-romance that will keep you turning the pages with talented cliffhangers. No, if you are interested in mild and light tales that dont pin you down into a series of 2000 pages.

Im hooked. Unfortunately, to my utter dismay.
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