Review Detail

3.3 1
Young Adult Fiction 470
annoying love triangle, but still good
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I'm not going to pretend and say this is the type of book I like to read. I'm a big baby with a very active imagination. It does not take much to work me up into a gigantic ball of crazy. Sleepless nights aside, I love this series!

The Naturals had me on the edge of my seat with every turn of the page. The twist at the end left me speechless. When I saw that book two was on its way, I knew I had to read it. I had very high hopes for Killer Instinct, and I was not disappointed (much).

If you're looking for a twist, you'll find it. This one had a bit more complications along the way than its predecessor. Although, I figured out the grand mystery before the big reveal. (To be honest, I was led astray once THEN figured it out.)

You'll also find a good sprinkling of gore. It's not over the top, but it made me read a bit quicker at times. (Super wuss, I am) My only complaint with this book is the on and off romance triangle. Jennifer Lynn Barnes did such a fantastic job of making both love interests so darn likeable that I just couldn't choose. I'm still conflicted. To be honest, I want an alternate ending so I can have both-- just in case I change my mind later on. I wasn't completely satisfied with the end result because it felt like one of those "not an option, option". Kind of like how Katniss ends up with Peeta because there is no one else for Peeta and Gale turned into a creep. Not really an option there.

The romance factor didn't distract from the book much, luckily. Cassie can be a bit wishy washy, but her role in the book still focuses on solving mysteries before she gets killed. It makes for a very fast-paced read!

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