Review Detail

4.7 4
Young Adult Fiction 119
Can a good story save you from Death?
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Reader reviewed by ~tiffany^^

It was after reading another review on this book that made me decided to read it. It is not a thick book, and i finished reading this in 1 day. It is a very pretty story about true love and death. This book is written in first person, with the main character telling her story as it unravels.

Keturah is an amazing story-teller, and when she was sixteen, she got lost in the forest and met Death himself. She told Death the begining of a tale about girl finding a love that will conquor even death. She bargined with Death, gaining another day to live for the ending of the story. If she can find true love in this one day, Death with spare her. Death also warned Keturah about a plague that is coming to her town.

Can Keturah find true love in one day and convince him to propose on the spot? Can she stop the plague from killing all that she holds dear? Can she help her friends get their happy endings? Will she be lost to Death or will she conquor Death with true love?

I really enjoyed this story of a girl who dreams of true love and is determined to find it, who is not afraid of Death but is willing to sacrafice herself for the lives of everyone in the village. This story gives the reader a whole new perspective on death, and how by only being so close to death will you realise how wonderful life and everything that you take for granted is.
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