How To Build A House

4.5 (4)
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Running away from problems.. to be or not to be solution?
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Reader reviewed by Rima

I really liked the way Mrs.Reinhardt switched from Here to Home and vice versa, even though I sometimes wanted to know more about one part before it switched.. But I really thought it was
a great story. I mean Harper actually kinds of changes the thoughts about the worlds environment for me, somehow. Harper and Teddy are really quite a couple. Even with a sweet guy unlike most of todays guys, sometimes you wish they were more Teddys out there in this world. Will that give something away in the book, hmmm Im not so sure but I would definitely recommond you read this book. I wonder if this book will turn into a movie because I think it may be worth-watching after reading it. Tell me if you do know.
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A "I can't put this book down" kind of book.
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Reader reviewed by Maggie

I've read many good books in my life but non of them could come close to "How To Build A House". It is so full of adventure and heartbreak and love all at the same time. i read this in 24 hours because i couldnt fine a place in the book where the excitement stopped and i could actually put the book down for a break. All i can say is i loved it.
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Great Read!
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Reader reviewed by Bookluver-Carol

HARPERS DAD IS getting a divorce from her beloved stepmother, Jane. Even worse, Harper has lost her stepsister, Tess; the divorce divides them. Harper decides to escape by joining a volunteer program to build a house for a family in Tennessee who lost their home in a tornado. Not that she knows a thing about construction.

Soon shes living in a funky motel and working long days in blazing heat with a group of kids from all over the country. At the site, she works alongside Teddy, the son of the family for whom they are building the house. Their partnership turns into a summer romance, complete with power tools. Learning to trust and love Teddy isnt easy for Harper, but its the first step toward finding her way back home.

This book really great. Harper's character felt real. This was a great book about finding yourself and dealing with your parents divorce. I liked how the book alternated between Tennessee and home. It's hard not to like Harper and she's very honest.Harper grew up a lot in this book. Teddy was also a great character. He really cared about Harper and wanted to know everything about her. This was a great love story also. All the character's were great. I couldn't put the book down. I thought I wasn't going to like this book that much but I was wrong. I definitely recommend this book to anyone.
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Not a nonfiction book
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Reader reviewed by Hillary

Harper's dad just got divorced. Her sisters, who were her best friends for so long, don't communicate with her much. And Harper has to get away. So when she hears about the volunteer program that is helping to rebuild houses that were destroyed during tornado, she goes. Though she has never built a house, or done anything involving construction, she wants to help.

When she's building the house, she works along side some other kids who also wanted to help. And Teddy, the son of the family who's house they're building. As Harper and Teddy work together to build this house, she slowly learns what it's like to really love someone and how to trust.

This was a great book. The beginning started out a little slow but after awhile it got more interesting. The ending was really wonderful.

I don't think that I really connected with the characters all that well. Maybe it was because I knew that I should have been studying for my finals but I wasn't. I don't know, but the characters were interesting. I did like Harper's step mother a lot.

The plot was very original. I've never read a book like it.

I recommend this book. It was pretty interesting and totally original.
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