Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 969
fun short story companion
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GLEANINGS is a fun collection of short stories set in the world of the ARC OF A SCYTHE series. This is a great addition for fans who aren't full ready to leave this trilogy behind. It includes origin, alternate, and expanding stories from the world that help to flesh out side characters more and give more context to the original trilogy. Readers who loved the originals will love getting back into this world and learning more.

There are many fun stories in this collection, and many are collaborations with other famous authors. My particular favorite might be A MARTIAN MINUTE that follows Carson and explores Mars, but there are plenty of stories to appeal to different readers. The included stories really span the gamut so there are some that will appeal to particular readers more than others - almost like fanfic from really great authors about the Arc of a Scythe world.

Overall, I would recommend this book to fans of the series who want to read more from this interesting world!
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