Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 274
Worthy Sequel
Overall rating
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I really like the cover for this series a lot. FROZEN is the second installment in the TAKEN trilogy and like it's predecessor, it's well written, engaging and has several interesting plot twists.

This took me awhile to get into and I'm not sure if it was because I needed a TAKEN refresher or if it just didn't feel like a lot was happening. There are larger issues at hand, but Gray's struggle with his feelings for both Emma and Bree is still front and center. It seemed like a no-brainer to me who he should choose, but then again, he is a teenage guy and they often get confused when it comes to knowing the difference between what they want and what they need.

Out of all of the characters, Bree was my favorite. I like that she wasn't afraid to take risks or say what she feels.

The last third of the book is where things picked up for me and the final chapter, while not a cliff-hanger, does leave the reader feeling like the real stuff has yet to hit the fan. It will be interesting to see how it all ends and if the characters we've gotten to know are in fact the real deals.
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