Review Detail

4.4 70
Young Adult Fiction 591
Hunger Games left you craving more? Try Divergent
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Divergent catapults the reader into future where society has taken a dramatic shift. The reader is thrust into the dystopian future of Chicago, Illinois. Veronica Roth keeps the reader spellbound from the very first chapter. Each page increases the anticipation to find out what will happen next.

In this dystopian future, Beatrice Prior is sixteen years old and the time has come for her to choose her faction, her future. Her family belongs to Abnegation, a selfless faction, that serves as the city governing force. Throughout her childhood, Beatrice never felt that she belonged. But leaving her faction means she can't see her family anymore. Once she finally decides which faction is for her, nobody thinks she is capable. Breatice, has to prove to everyone that she's strong and capable of anything. But there is one thing she can't tell or show anyone. Beatrice has a secret, a very dangerous secret. If the leaders of the factions discover what she is hiding; it could cost her her life.

Divergent is a thrill ride you never want to stop. I read this book in two days. I just couldn't put it down. I know I found myself deeply invested in the characters and Veronica Roth's plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat. My only reservation is that the book, while handling very important themes, has a few graphic and mature scenes. Although I believe these scenes are necessary for plot, character, and theme development, Divergent may not be for younger readers. I would recommend this book for mature readers 13 and older.

Good Points
Suspense-Keeps you on the edge of your seat. A book you can't put down.
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