Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 3172
Will Cinder Fall for the Prince?
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I liked:
Cinderella meets the selection in retelling a tale we all know and love. It has been written, adapted, and grown from the simple Disney tale of a poor girl turned into an enslaved person by the stepmother. She can arrive at a ball with the help of magic and is rescued by the prince. Cinder & Glass gives us yet another delightful spin on this tale. What if the girl did not choose the prince, even after a significant competition among 25 girls? Another great change to the story is the setting of 1700 France, with all the intrigue of the French court and the expectations of young ladies to go with it.
Final Verdict:
Cinder & Glass is a beautiful retelling, with French Court at Versailles, the hall of mirrors, and descriptions of the dress being a lovely accent. The changes to the tale are woven into the story and make it stand out as a unique retelling.
Audiobook Review:
The narrator has the perfect tone for the tale; I was thoroughly engaged as I listened to the tale unfolding. I laughed, cried, and was thrown for a loop with the outcome. The author did a fantastic job with this tale.
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October 12, 2022
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