Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 788
Interesting Take on Marie Antoinette
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Full disclosure I love history and find Marie Antoinette fascinating so I was excited to have the opportunity to read and review this book.

Taking one of the most intriguing queens Marie Antoinette and setting it in the future, Cake Eater takes her story to a whole new level. In 3070, Marie Antoinette is not only the queen of France but also a social media influencer. Making a self-absorbed, vain queen into an influencer is such a brilliant idea. Marie Antoinette's "Apps" give the public a glimpse into her life in Versailles. She soon discovers that the French Kingdom is controlling what she sees on the "Apps". They filter out the negative comments about the royals and make sure that stories of the riots and fires in Paree are not shown. I found this storyline to be very thought-provoking. The First Estate (those who controlled the monarchy) thought Louis and Marie would be easy to manage because they were so young when they became King and Queen of France. Instead, Louis and Marie used their influence for good, helping the people of the Franc Kingdom. In her article, Allyson Dahlin showed the good and evil of social media.

The love story between Louis and Marie Antoinette captivated me as much as the politics and influencer storyline. It was expected that they would consummate their marriage on the day of their wedding, but they didn't. It showed the awkwardness of an arranged marriage and the pressure they felt from family and the First Estate. There was a slow burn to their love story, but it was worth the wait. Their marriage was sweet and sad all at once and the last scene of Louis and Marie had me crying.

Although the story seemed to follow Marie Antoinette's major life events, the ending had a twist that I didn't see coming and thoroughly enjoyed.

Cake Eater is a great read for those who love historical fiction. By setting it in the future, well-known historical figures have been re-imagined making it more relevant to the young adult reader.
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