Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3)

4.8 (4)
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"Blue Lily, Lily Blue" is a captivating, haunting continuation of the Raven Boys series. Here, Blue's mother is missing after leaving a note to say she's gone underground. The four teens are on the search for her and continuing their search for Glendower. This book is darker and more intense than the previous books. The pace is very fast and the reader is hooked throughout.

The romance is blossoming more between Blue and Gansey, but this takes a backseat to the other challenges and adventures awaiting the group. A new villain arises in that the man who hired the Grey Man is in town with his equally villainous wife, Piper. I don't want to spoil anything but this is an incredible continuation of the series and leaves the reader spellstruck, waiting for more. This is an amazing and truly unique series!
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue was another great addition to The Raven Cycle! It was an amazing novel filled with fantasy, magic and adventure!

Picking up after the events in Dream Thieves, Blue and her friends are getting closer to finding Glendower while they also try to find Maura. Adam learns more about his powers and his connection to Cabeswater.

I truly like Blue, Ronan, Adam, Gansey and Noah. They are a really tight knit group of friends! Calla and Persephone are there for Blue and even Mr. Gray. I really loved the plot, the narrative and how the novel was written in such a way that draws readers in for hours!

I love where the series is headed and can't wait for the final installment of The Raven Cycle!
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The Best One Yet!
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I'm so ready for Blue and Gansey to just get together already. Same for Adam and Ronan. They all just need to be happy together. I hope it all ends well for them. I'm rooting so hard for them!

A lot happens in this installment, I've read some reviews that say this book is slower than the rest but I think it's a lot faster than any in the whole series. Even faster than The Raven King. The hunt for Blue's mum, Greenmantle with Piper, Adam's court date and everything else going on with him, finding Gwenllian, someone dies, and also Blue's father. That does not sound like a slow book to me! Sometimes it was hard to keep up things were moving so fast.

I honestly didn't see Greenmantle running away and Piper turned into the badass? Like whoa, didn't see that coming by far. She's a bitch and I hope she gets what she deserves. I wanted to see her die but instead she wakes up something that I'm sure is evil and then kills JESSE!

I really liked JESSE -if you've reads the book, you know why I write his name in all caps ;) - I felt so bad when he died, I actually teared up a bit. He'd already lost all his family and his father and grandfather and now... all because of Piper... So sad.

Mr Gray just keeps getting better and better. I love him and he's in the running to be my favorite male character with Gansey. Yeah. Now onto Malory, why was he there? He added nothing to the plot as far as I could see. He was just there to what? Add more pages I guess? So unneeded.

It's so sweet to see how much everyone loves Gansey, how really like their king he is. I love the friendships in this book, there aren't enough friendships in books that are like this. I want friends like this. Real friendships.

I was so glad that Adam finally went to court and it made me smile so much when Ronan and Gansey showed up to help him out. They rushed over from school to just be there for their friend. I was smiling and laughing so much. It was a nice light moment that I think was needed. It shows that they are more of a family than anything else.

Overall, this one is my favorite of the series. The best one. I usually don't think this about the third book in a series but it is by far my favorite one. Read this series if you haven't yet!
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More Magic, Wit, and Adventure from Stiefvater
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I love this series with it's magic and romance and characters. This is probably my least favorite of the series, but if you look at my above rating, I obviously still loved it. The characters are as mysterious as ever and Blue's blossoming romance with Gansey had my heart pounding throughout the whole story. I love the witty dialogue, especially when Blue's involved (that girl's hilarious) and the conversations between characters. There were many question's left unanswered, but that only leaves me wanting for the next book even more. Not that it matters, but I think has the prettiest cover I've ever seen.
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