Review Detail

4.7 28
Young Adult Fiction 787
Before i Fall
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by CookieMonster

 I am happy that I got the chance to read this book.

Would I have picked it up on my own were it not a B&N First Look?
Maybe some time, but probably not. But like the book showed so well, a million different little things changed that, and I am genuinely happy that it did come into my hands.

I hated several main characters at first like Lindsay, Ally, Elody, and Sam. I knew and even still know people like them. But the evolution of Sam and her revelations on everythings connectedness let my perceptions evolve along with her.
From the beginning, I was taken with how the author captured things that really happen (to all of us) just perfectly. She get the characters so right, down to the "unofficial" H.S. dress code of New Balance sneakers and Northface jackets.
I know that Sam's (the main character) experience is sorta like the movies Groundhog Day or Sliding Doors, but really thats only a fraction of it. The amazing insight and realistic events/people/conversations in the book are extraordinary, and even eery. Readers will instantly connect with the familiarity of the social hierarchy and mean girls group. I really loved Before I Fall.
Congratulations to Lauren Oliver on writing something so amazing!
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