Truly Madly Royally

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Truly Madly Royally
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Release Date
July 30, 2019
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Zora Emerson is not here to play. She's enrolled in a prestigious summer program, and is ready to use what she's learning to change the world (or at least her corner of New Jersey, for now). Zora's not expecting to vibe with any of her super-privileged classmates. So she's shocked to find she's got chemistry with Owen Whittelsey, who is charming, funny, undeniably cute...and turns out to literally be a prince. As in, his parents are the king and queen of a small European country. What? Suddenly, Zora's summer is looking a lot more complicated -- especially when Owen asks her to be his date at his older brother's wedding. Can her feelings for Owen, not to mention her sense of self, survive the royal chaos? Debbie Rigaud brings sparkling humor and insight to this empowering romantic comedy that's all about ruling your own destiny.

Zora Emerson is not here to play. She's enrolled in a prestigious summer program, and is ready to use what she's learning to change the world (or at least her corner of New Jersey, for now). Zora's not expecting to vibe with any of her super-privileged classmates. So she's shocked to find she's got chemistry with Owen Whittelsey, who is charming, funny, undeniably cute...and turns out to literally be a prince. As in, his parents are the king and queen of a small European country. What? Suddenly, Zora's summer is looking a lot more complicated -- especially when Owen asks her to be his date at his older brother's wedding. Can her feelings for Owen, not to mention her sense of self, survive the royal chaos? Debbie Rigaud brings sparkling humor and insight to this empowering romantic comedy that's all about ruling your own destiny.

Editor reviews

4 reviews
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Quick and Light Read
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I’d be lying if I didn’t say that half of the reason why I read this was because it’s a royal romance, but seeing an interracial royal YA couple on the cover really caught my attention. Add the fact that this was inspired by Harry and Meghan’s love story.

I was truly excited to read this because I haven’t read any book with royalties in a long while and I’m glad that Zora and Owen hit it off right from the start. I love Zora’s character because she’s independent, smart, a feminist and activist as well. She’s enrolled in a Summer Program at Halstead where she meets Owen in a library. Cute, yeah???

Owen can be the most charming as he can be and very much a gentleman but can level with Zora’s banter. At first, Zora didn’t know that Owen was a prince and once she did, she’s suddenly thrust into the spotlight.

I like Zora’s relationship with her family, especially with her brother, Zach. As for Owen, I wish I’d seen more from his side of the family. I feel like this book was more about building Zora’s character.

While the romance aspect kind of fell flat for me, I love how the book tackled black inclusivity and positivity. Although, I’m not the best person to judge on that but I really did appreciate it.

Overall, this book was a quick and light read. If you’re looking for a quick fix of royal romance, then you should pick up this book!
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Truly Madly Royally
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Truly Madly Royally was a cute-ish read that lacked a certain something to take it fully over the edge.

Zora is a modern day activist, socialist and do-gooder.

Zora is attending a prestigious college to prepare for (possible) attendance in the fall. While doing this she manages a community program, fully built on the back of an idea she came up with—to better her community.

She’s also in prep to receive awards for her work and grants (hopefully *fingers crossed) to fund her program dutifully called the ‘Walk Me Home Program.’ Zora is what adults wish kids would be, and there is no hidden agenda involved.

While attending this prestigious school, she meets, Owen, the prince. A chance encounter leads to public scrutiny. Now she has to choose. Is being close to the Prince worth all the hassle it’s causing?

The worthiness is something the reader will struggle with. Was it all worth it? With a lack of cutesy moments, and overall depth outside of covert conversations and wry smiles—one can’t tell if it is.

The romance is severely lacking, only told in small sections and bursts (though cute-ish). It doesn’t carry the story and left this reader feeling a little shortchanged.

Don’t be mistaken the characters are root-worthy, but the romance was disappointing.

As far as the plot, though the book seems to have an agenda, it’s slow getting there and leaves the reader feeling less satiated than expected. It seems to get nowhere. The ending is pretty meh in terms of the happiness factor. It’s a happy ending, but it’s less happy and more expectant.

With an almost ripped from the headlines plot,  from an obvious Harry and Meghan supporter; the book doesn’t excite in the way an upcoming royal nuptial would.

What it doesn’t lack, however, is black positivity. Positivity, that will excite readers young and old by delving into historical facts (True or not true, that is not clear without research) and overall black joy, the book does an outstanding job of being black positive—while keeping its authenticity.

Many young readers will relish in the inclusivity. But it lacks oomph and romance.

The writing is good, but it doesn’t make up for what it lacks.

Is it worth buying? Sure. Just don’t lean too heavily on the romance the cover portrays.
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