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4.2 6
Young Adult Fiction 288
Touch by Jus Accardo
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Hmm.... I like the cover, I presume from reading the book, the gorgeous guy on the front is Kale! I will readily admit at the very beginning of the book I found this book a little hard to follow I didn't really know immediately, whose Point of view the book was from, who the main character was, was it going to be Brandt, Gilman or this girl whose name we had yet to find out? I persevered with the very beginning and it turned out the main character is a girl called Deznee - odd name I know, but it makes perfect sense later in the book where her name came from.
It is a rather involved complex story, well worth reading. The book revolves around Kale, Deznee and Denazen, the company that Deznee's father works for. Deznee thinks that Denazen is a law firm, but that is only the front for something much much more sinister and dangerous.
It's very action packed, with a confused love triangle thrown in too.
As you will see in the blurb from Goodreads, Denazen is literally "kidnapping" kids with special powers and then holding them captive and using them to deal out Denazen's own brand of punishments to whom they see fit. So what special power does Kale have? Well I don't do spoilers but as it says above in the blurb I can say Kales touch Kills any living thing he touches be it human or plant, animal etc etc.
Can Kale evade being re-captured? Can Kale, Deznee and some of her friends bring down Denazen or will they end up being swallowed up into the corporation themselves? And why is Deznee suddenly so desperate to bring down Denazen and help the "prisoners" escape?
There are plenty of twists and turns along the way. I won't say too much as that would give away spoilers. So what can I compare it to? I would say if you have read and liked Replication by Jill Williamson then you would also really enjoy this book too. this book is book one in the Denazen Series and what a great start to a series, it has me hooked!
So, did I enjoy it? Slower to start but then really enjoyed it! Would I recommend it? Yes.
Would I read more of the Denazen Series? Already reading Untouched.... I have to find out what happens next!
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