The Trap (The Hunt #3)

The Trap (The Hunt #3)
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Release Date
November 05, 2013
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After barely escaping the Mission alive, Gene and Sissy face an impossible task: staying alive long enough to stop an entire world bent on their destruction. Bound on a train heading into the unknown with the surviving Mission girls, Gene, Sissy, David, and Epap must stick together and use everything they have to protect each other and their only hope: the cure that will turn the blood-thirsty creatures around them into humans again. Now that they know how to reverse the virus, Gene and Sissy have one final chance to save those they love and create a better life for themselves. But as they struggle to get there, Gene's mission sets him on a crash course with Ashley June, his first love . . . and his deadliest enemy.

After barely escaping the Mission alive, Gene and Sissy face an impossible task: staying alive long enough to stop an entire world bent on their destruction. Bound on a train heading into the unknown with the surviving Mission girls, Gene, Sissy, David, and Epap must stick together and use everything they have to protect each other and their only hope: the cure that will turn the blood-thirsty creatures around them into humans again. Now that they know how to reverse the virus, Gene and Sissy have one final chance to save those they love and create a better life for themselves. But as they struggle to get there, Gene's mission sets him on a crash course with Ashley June, his first love . . . and his deadliest enemy.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Surprising conclusion to The Hunt series!
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I have to be honest. I wasn't sure if I could read this book or not. Aster the first book in the series, I was a bit creeped out. However, I read the second book and knew I just had to finish the series!

What I loved:
Even though I am completely creeped out by this series, I love how scary it is. It's not your typical vampire series with romance and human-esque vampires. No, it's a scary world where vampires raise humans just to hunt and eat them and oh my goodness it's terrifying.

Gene, Sissy and the boys. Even when faced with true horror (hello, being EATEN), this group of brave humans stick together and put other first. I love how protective Sissy is of the boys, and vice versa.

There is a bit of romance in this book. But it's not overly done. And honestly it made my heart ache. I wanted to badly for the two (I don't want to spoil by saying who) to have a chance at love and was on the edge of my seat waiting to find out if they would make it!

The ending! Holy moley I was not expecting this series to end the way it did. I was pleasantly surprised and actually stunned when I read it. Great job Andrew Fukuda!

What left me wanting more:

Honestly there are few parts that seemed a bit too far fetched for me. The vampires are supposed to have incredible smell, yet humans are able to trick them when needed. That's happened in all 3 books and I couldn't really believe those scenes.

The vampires are seriously messed up. They are creepy and manipulative and just all around spooky. I kind of wanted to see some redemption, but I'm a weirdo.

Overall a great ending to the series!
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