The Pinchers and the Dog Chase

The Pinchers and the Dog Chase
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
September 10, 2024
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In this slapstick illustrated crime adventure, the honest Theo Pincher, who doesn't fit into his family of criminals, finds a clever way to save the family dog, Sherlock, from the nasty new police officer.
The new police officer, Clive, is not nice—even the other police are afraid of him. Everything, even the dog, must have a receipt to prove there's no stealing going on. Things without receipts are locked up.

Of course, Theo's family doesn't have a receipt for anything, especially not for their dog Sherlock. When Sherlock is caught, Theo makes a plan to get him back using cooking oil, a dog onesie, and cunning—a plan so good even Theo's family is impressed.

This criminally funny tale contains a break-in at the candy store, an interrogation, and comical commentary from the dog, who thinks his name is Shuddup Sherlock.

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