The Elephant Whisperer (Peace Dragon Tales)

The Elephant Whisperer (Peace Dragon Tales)
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Cat LeMaster
Publisher Name
Flowerpot Press
Age Range
Release Date
March 21, 2023
Open your ears and your heart to this charming story about facing your feelings and emotions through calm reflection and understanding. 
Some days Artie's feelings feel like baby elephants, small and manageable. But other times they grow big and stampede out of control. Artie learns to navigate his big elephant-sized feelings by taking time to listen to each one and calmly whispering comforting words of advice until his elephant emotions become calm once again. 

The Elephant Whisperer is the newest addition to the Peace Dragon Tales collection written by Linda Ragsdale. Each book in the series is an extension of the Peace Dragon mission which aims to teach children the power of words, the importance of acceptance, and the enormous benefit of seeing and accepting the world with an open heart. The series is perfect for campaigns that aim to reduce racism, bullying, and prejudice, and turn children toward unity, kindness, and acceptance.

Editor review

1 review
Learning Self-Reflection
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Artie equates his feelings to being like elephants. They can be cute and fun or grow big and destructive. Once he learns to hear what his elephants are telling him then he can bring them down to size and resume a more peaceful mindset. The illustrations are bright and cartoonish making this visually appealing while being simple to focus on the message. A young child who is not used to abstract thinking may have trouble drawing parallels that the elephants Artie is dealing with are really his emotions. However, with a parent or other adult to help a child connect and practice the art of self-reflection then this book could really help a young child start to take control of their emotions to promote a calmer, happier child.
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