Review Detail

2.5 107
Young Adult Fiction 1201
Remebering The Good Times Was Not Great.
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Reader reviewed by Tanner H

I did not like the book Remembering the Good Times because, it was boring. Also it had to do with death and young people dying. I didnt like how they changed from being young to older in the middle of the book, it confused me a lot. The book is sort of like Heart of a Champion, another book that has to do with young people dying. People that would like to read Remembering the Good Times are ones that like sad, complicated books. The book started out with Buck meeting Kate in a field. They saw a snake hole, than Kate brought Buck over to another place where a calf was being born. They started school and meet Travis. Travis stood up for Sherrie Slater, the teacher, when Skeeter Calhoun threw all of the teachers books and papers on the floor. Also he emptied her purse out. Skeeter also stole Bucks dads hardhat. Buck and Skeeter fought and Skeeter beat Buck up. Then Sherrie Slaters husband beat Buck up at a Halloween party. Polly, Travis, Kate and Buck all played cards together, and Polly was the meanest person in Slocum. Later in the book Travis killed himself. After that Polly Prior made a speech about Traviss death and Buck Mendenhall sobbed. They all went to school a gain and everybody respected them more than ever. They looked at Buck and Kate differently. Now that they new their best friend died. A kid stood up and asked why they dont have a moment of silence or school days off. I didnt like the book.
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