Review Detail

Story with a Purpose
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
MISTY MOLE GOES SCREEN-FREE is a relatable topic of the peer pressure to have a digital device and the unchecked addiction that can lead to vision problems among other issues. This book addresses a real problem in a fictional way to help make children and their parents aware of the myriad issues surrounding too much screen time. This makes for a good read but not likely one that a child will return to again and again as a comfort read. However, as a book with a clear purpose, it does a good job of showing that outside play and time with friends will help with eye strain, eye redness & dryness, and fatigue, and improve relationships with friends. One small point of confusion is the title and the cover image title do not match on retail sites so I am not sure which version will end up in stores.
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