Mighty Mindsets: How Mindfulness Can Help Your Child with Life's Ups and Downs

Mighty Mindsets: How Mindfulness Can Help Your Child with Life's Ups and Downs
Co-Authors / Illustrators
  • Carol Betera
Publisher Name
Little Island Books
Age Range
Release Date
August 20, 2024
Has your child ever said “I can’t do this” or “I’m not good at that”? Do they find it hard to see the good in themselves? Do they feel overwhelmed at times? Children can struggle with life’s challenges, big and small. Written in a child-friendly way, featuring practical tools they can use every day, this book will help your child build new habits and ways of thinking, understand their emotions, and become happier and more resilient. We know mindfulness can help us and our children to live in the moment and calm our minds. But what exactly is mindfulness? And why does it make it easier to deal with whatever life throws at us? How does your brain work, and what does it have to do with moods? Why do you sometimes feel anxious, cross or afraid, and what can you do about it? How can breathing, looking at a snowglobe, or changing what the voice inside you says, help you feel better? When we tell ourselves negative stories – like “I’m not good at maths” – it becomes harder to learn. But if we can change our mindset – “I’m not good at maths yet” – we help our brains to learn.

Editor review

1 review
Having a Growth Mindset
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
“Mighty Mindsets” by Niamh Doyle, illustrated by Carol Betera, explores questions that any person might have about how to be more mindful of issues that take place in one’s life. Geared toward children, life’s challenges are discussed in a clear, succinct way, allowing children to discover ways to be more thoughtful about their habits and ways of thinking so they might better understand the way they think, feel, and act.

The book suggests big belly breaths as well as learning to be more observant, practicing focusing one’s attention, having a growth mindset to practice how to be better when one is struggling, maintaining a positive outlook, and more. The illustrations help to showcase each of these, and more, points. This leads readers to more thoroughly grasp what it will take to take on “mighty mindsets” of their own.

Even adults have a hard time coping with the reality of situations at times, and this book does a nice job showing young readers how they can best accomplish their goals and stay positive through tried and true techniques.
Good Points
This book does a nice job showing young readers how they can best accomplish their goals and stay positive through tried and true techniques.
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