Reviews written by Inah Peralta, Staff Reviewer
I finally did finish it! To be honest, I was kind of sad to let this trilogy go because I love the books so much but I had to because it'll happen sooner or later. Haha! I love this book to pieces! It literally consumed me. Or...
Having read Amanda Panitch's debut, Damage Done, I knew exactly what I signed up for. Damage Done is one of the best thrillers I've read last year so when I heard that she's going to write another thriller, I immediately put it on my TBR. Panitch's...
When I first saw this book, I was immediately drawn into it because of the cover. It clearly says mystery and suspense. It somehow reminded me of the Mara Dyer covers. When I got to the synopsis, I told myself I had to read it. Thicker Than...
The Museum of Heartbreaks is one of my most anticipated reads for this year. I instantly fell in love with the cover because it's totally beautiful. WHAT I LIKED: Meg Leder's writing style is catchy, simple yet it expresses a lot of emotions. Penelope's...
This book was a fast read. I think I finished it for about an hour or two since it was written in verse form. I haven’t read that much books written in verses but I always find them fascinating. I love how this book tackled issues on...
If I could use one word to describe this book, I’d say it’s captivating. The book is so captivating, it was really hard to put it down once you’ve started reading. This book had a great effect on me and I barely read historical YAs. It’s unique and I think...
This book is good luck. It got me out of my reading slump. It picked me up when I was really feeling down and I'm really grateful for this book and for the author, who's a dear friend. Last weekend, I got bad dose of depression. It...
I was very surprised when I was approved for this book on Netgalley, that I started reading it the night I got it. The premise was very interesting so I did not hesitate to start reading it. First chapter then bam! I was hooked. I really loved the way Nicola...
Lo and behold, the book that put me into a reading slump for a while because I couldn’t find anything that could top how amazing this book was and how much I enjoyed it. Illuminae is CRAZY GOOD. It has an excellent plot and the pacing is...
I love this book. I’ve been on the look out for this book since I saw it on Netgalley but unfortunately I was declined. Months later, I was able to buy a copy and was able to finally read it. My friends have been very insisting that I read this...
It’s actually my first time to read a novel from Leah Rae Miller but I’ve been told that she writes really cute and funny romances and I wasn’t disappointed! This book is just the right one I’m looking for. This is about Dan and Zelda, who used...
After reading Pintip Dunn’s Forget Tomorrow, I told myself to be on the lookout for her next novels because I liked her way of writing. And again, I wasn’t disappointed. This time Dunn offered us a contemporary/mystery that will leave us all hanging because it’s really gripping....
The first time I’ve heard about this book, I immediately wanted to pick it up. So when Yani of Paper Boulevard was looking for bloggers to participate in the blog tour, I immediately signed up. Upon reading the synopsis, it’s pretty much given that the story was set with a...
This book is one of my most anticipated reads for this year and I feel really lucky to have read it months before its release. I have always wondered how it’s like working on a movie set since I love watching movies, and this book gave me a peek! ...
I first read this novel as a manuscript on Swoon Reads and I did enjoy it. Reading it again as an ARC made me remember all the great feelings I had for this book. For one, this book ultimately got me swooning over Caleb! The story revolves...
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