Review Detail

4.6 4
Young Adult Fiction 497
Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
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Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy this one as much as I was hoping to.I found Isaiah to be controlling and while some might call it protective, I saw a young man who hadn't been able to control much in his life and lo and behold comes Rachel. She is young,naive and in my opinion, a doormat.

Rachel's family dynamics were interesting. After a family tragedy happened before Rachel was born she must now step in and be the daughter and sister that her parents and brothers lost.Her willingness to do this infuriated me. She just agreed to whatever her parents wanted. If it had to do with the daughter they lost, Rachel bent over backwards. She should have just been herself and made them deal with it. Instead, her parents (well mostly her mom) leaves a shrine to the lost daughter and sister and Rachel allows her parents to decorate her room in a color she hates,she accompanies her mom to the malls and she reads her mom's fashion magazines.

Personally, I would not have stood for it. I would have shut it down a long time ago. I was really kind of pissed that it took a guy for Rachel to stand up to her parents.Her self-esteem had been shot down while she dealt with the panic attacks but it's only Isaiah who is able to raise her self-esteem. I'm sorry but seriously? Where is the confident, self assured woman that Rachel should have blossomed into?

Isaiah bugged me too. However I did like the story with his mom. I had wondered what had happened to land his butt in foster care and it was really interesting to see him come face to face with his mom. Yet I finished that part of the book a little unsatisfied.It felt like this story could have continued just a little more.

All the car stuff really bored me. Big time. I am not a car person, so I got bored preeeety quickly.The one thing that came out of the car thing was Abby. I loooooved Abby. She seemed like a softer version of Beth (who I also love) I loved the friendship that developed between Abby and Rachel.

I loved seeing Ryan, Beth, Echo and Noah again too. It was good to see that they played their parts in this book. The scenes near the end with Beth and Isaiah were perfectly written and I may have let a few tears fall. I loved how Ryan's friend Logan played a big part in this book. Watching the friendship grow between Isaiah and Logan was totally awesome.

Let's get to the romance part of the story. I didn't feel the same chemistry with Isaiah and Rachel that I felt with Noah & Echo, Beth & Ryan. I didn't root for the couple at all. And no it's not because I was secretly dreaming that Isaiah and Beth would come to their senses because it wasn't. Beth clearly chose right with Ryan.

I think a lot of it had to do with the insta-love as well as the cheesy nicknames that Isaiah called her. Angel,really? It was almost as cheesy as Noah's Siren talk in Pushing The Limits.The only reason that Noah's nicknames for Echo didn't bug me was because the back-stories for Noah and Echo were super strong.

The ending was pretty good and it raised the rating a half star. It was scary and no one knew what was going to happen. I love how all of the couple's friends came together to help. It showed that friendship is a very strong theme in this book which I love.Friendships are very often underrated and not given the attention that they deserve. Katie McGarry changes that in her books, which is awesome.

It kills me to give this one 3.5 stars but I have to. It wasn't as strong as the previous two were and Rachel & Isaiah drove me bananas.Plus I didn't feel the chemistry between them. However i am excited to read the next book in the series which is West's story.
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